Polazišta Katolištvo Pravoslavlje Protestantizam U dijalogu Zajedništvo Pravednost Mir Ekologija Kultura
o nama | kontakt | 08. 09. 2024.

About us

“Ekumena” is an independent, non-partisan, media and social project. Our vision is to promote, mediate, and motivate a range of activities from an ecumenical perspective, to support good communication and cooperation between Christian churches, communities, and individuals, as well as to enter into dialogue with individuals and communities of other faith and spiritual traditions and worldviews. We hope to foster a process of rapprochement and reconciliation while encouraging dialogue and increasing awareness on such topics as peace, justice, democracy, inclusion, and creation care.

Ekumena.org is a website that reports on world, regional and local church events that are of ecumenical relevance. We wish to provide readers not only with timely and accurate news as this is something that is severely lacking in this region, but also offer theologically sound and critical reviews and comments. We will work to improve general religious and faith literacy and strive to promote a better understanding and cooperation between Christians and members of the other two Abrahamic religions with whom we share a long history in this region – Islam, and Judaism.

Our mission is to contribute to creating public opinion and a platform for ecumenical dialogue, to help recognize and accept the values of others, promote the ecumenical movement as a sign and imperative of our times, open spaces for encounters and build reliable and lasting structures to restore trust, respect, and true communion.

It is our vision to build bridges of cooperation and encourage joint social initiatives of believers and non-believers by increasing the awareness of our shared values and concerns not only for today but also for the future of mankind and the world we live in the areas of justice, peace, creation care and climate change.

We desire to participate as actively as possible in the fight against the globalization of indifference, to remind us all of our interconnectedness and interdependence. This includes the awareness of our dependence on nature and the consequences of the looming climate crisis. We desire to nurture a culture of care in which no one is excluded: neither migrants from war zones nor the impoverished due to the growing gap between the rich and the poor, who are denied their basic human rights.

Contributors to the portal ekumena.org are called, in the spirit of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount (Mt 5: 3-11), to be sensitive to the needs and sufferings of others, especially to all victims of discrimination, marginalization, and exclusion, recognizing the primacy of thegiving priority to the rights of those who are in any way exposed to the consequences of structural evil, exploitation and oppression, both inside and outside the Churches.



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